Happy New Years!
In last month’s newsletter, we said we’d be asking three questions to make a powerful completion to 2018. We’ll love to share our reflections with you.
2018 was a year of authenticity for us. We went one full circle and came back to the beginning and recognised it as home for the first time. Building upon our homecoming, we continued to polish our ideas and socialise it. We even wrote a book. Your feedback and encouragement has been incredibly valuable to us.
We learnt through experience that when you’re authentic, people are more likely to trust you and follow your lead. You’ve clarity - you know who you are and what you’re here to do. You bring clarity to your team - you rally everyone towards a common direction. You bring clarity to your customers - exactly what’s needed when the environment is confusing and ambiguous.
In the past, we tried to be everything to everyone. We burnt time and money creating new things. (We couldn’t help it. As creatives, what’s more fun than creating!) No wonder our customers were confused - we were confused. When we don’t get the results that we want, it’s easy to think we didn’t do enough, but I think the real problem was doing too much.
Building upon the hard-earned authenticity, 2019 will be the year of sustainability for us. We’ll be looking for smart, innovative ways to build upon what we know best, scale best practices and deliver more bright spots. We strive to deliver better service and value to our existing customers and reach out to new ones, bringing organisations closer to greatness.
We’ll love to hear what you learnt from your reflections on the 3 questions. Please share them with us.
Are you looking to re-energise and refocus your team for 2019? Talk to us about bringing Fight Club leadership programme to your organisation. Empower your team to lead change and make a magical breakthrough within 6 months.
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PERSONNA is a leadership development company focused on the people side of transformation. We hold a simple belief that everyone is an extraordinary and powerful force for positive change. When you make work personal, naturally you become a better leader.
We’re here to help people become better leaders, build highly-effective teams, and create a culture of trust & collaboration in their organisations. We provide leadership branding, leadership coaching and group experiences. If you are curious to learn more drop us an email to hello@personna.me.